31 May 2012

Learning Investment

从小自己就有想要创业/做其他某方面的投资. 但是事情不是说要做就做那么的简单.

有好一阵子都没有上网找关于投资的事情. 就在前几个星期没事做就上网读某blogger的post. 话说这位与我同年龄的美眉不但有自己的车, 读书学费也不用家人担心. 想想自己同样是女生, 年龄也一样,更是学院生,为什么会差别那么的大. 于是发现原来她有玩投资外汇! (当然, 外汇不能完全说可以讨个稳定的收入. 把他当兴趣研究研究来玩就可以了. 除非你已经是外汇的长老们. 但是玩外汇和做生意和玩股票一样, 没有稳赚! 不会的就不要玩, 还是乖乖地上多几个网站学习学习呗!)

话说回来, 投资外汇也是本人的兴趣之一. 中学时有注意过经济报, 外汇, 股票等之类的东西. 但是知道的只是万分之一的皮毛而已. 虽说很想学, 但是没有人教还是少碰为妙!

好了, 就说说那位美眉blogger吧! 也就是因为知道她有玩外汇后, 挑拨我的神经线后又让我很想碰回外汇投资的东西! 于是就开始上网update下投资方面的问题. 够然! 获益不少. 之前知道bank除了存钱, 出钱, 还有很多很多的投资. 而且并没有投资股票来的那么的危险. 例如: 黄金买卖. 外汇投资....但是, 如不要再bank做投资也可以! lol #废话!

就在上个星期五, hui ling, me, leng mui n loong. 咱们也聊了很多投资, 创业和未来的事情. 
也许是loong有加入amway的关系吸取/知道的东西都很多. 更开心的事情是, 自己虽没加入anway, 但从他口中说出的东西自己都知道,都有想过. 有些东西他没说, 我甚至想的更多. 不是说自己厉害. 只是经历的事情更多,体验更多, 想到的东西自然也多了. 当然, 经过loong n me 的一大堆口水乱喷后, 于是另外那两位姑娘就有点反应了. hui ling 其实不太晓得她是不是完全明白. 但是知道的是leng mui 她给我的感觉好像一点就醒了过来似的! LOLOL #夸张 其实有没有被点醒也要看他们自己的吸收能力!


十分的赞同!  不是说读书不好. 知识有了当然好. 但是只会读死书. 给你读到最高, 基本的经济学都不会的话也是没用!

大家都知道我有开twitter account 有时候是follow一些马来西亚创业人士. 看看他们对市场的看法. 于是就看见了某个创业人士tweet了一个link.

关于房地产的投资. 有兴趣者可按图片link 去看看. 这是马来西亚最可靠地房地产买卖的网站. 该网站还有提供agent给大家. 
做房地产投资也是本人的计划之一. 希望可以有机会可以做到!

另一方面. 那天在跟yf tan n leng mui 聊时也聊到了外汇投资. 没想到yf tan 也有这方面的知识! 只是...那位姑娘就有点blur...o.0!? 问到什么是外汇. Lol.. 这个问题是老娘在小学时问妈妈的一个问题. xD 别介意. 知道不算太迟至少你还有机会去学投资. 

于是大家便说有到过某个论坛看股票/ 投资/经济的版块. 只是那位姑娘又很可爱的说开了一会儿就关了.LOLOLOL....
之后yf tan 就介绍了咱们一个投资平台可下载软件. 之前看过这样的东西但不知道其实是个软件, 还以为是某个网站的投资. 
于是就回家上完看了看, 找了找关于该平台的资料. 才知道这个是全球最好最有实力/可靠的网站. 所谓可靠/有实力并不是说在该网站投资后就不会亏本. 只是该网站在全球有一定的名声. 不是什么欺骗网站.

同样的,有兴趣者可按图片link 去看看! 可下载META TRADER 4 demo 去试试看玩. 

这个就是下载后的软件. 刚下载还不知道要怎样运用. 需花些时间在哪里. =P

说实在的如有兴趣的话, 这里有个很好的外汇网站. 是专给beginner的.
还要我多说??有兴趣者可按图片link 去看看呗!

这个网站是那些已经玩到经验老到的外汇长老们分享的! 级别分别是从介绍到托儿所到毕业! 
本人现在开始读, 才开始没多久就上瘾了~xDD
加入的原因不是说能大赚一笔. 是你已经开始了解全球的外汇投资进行式! 了解各国的运作! 同时, 你也增加了自己的知识. 你知道吗? 在香港像我们这样的年龄已经玩外汇/股票玩到不玩了. 他们接触这些是在18岁. 没错! 也就是中学毕业后! 马来西亚的18岁的年轻人. 还在干什么? 自己想想吧!!
如果你真的明白的话, 恭喜你, 很肯定的是你的人生观又不一样了. 证明你也开始成为上流社会的人物/ 生活的一部分!! #投资成功的话 =P

26 May 2012

Crap post

Hello! Quick post!!

Apparently i'm seldom to blog recently. (Like one week one blog post) Awww...>.<
Yes, the reason is busy in assignment. Once i say i'm busy which means i'm REALLY busy!!

Skip to wednesday cuz nothing happened on monday and tuesday. Me and my group members have to met our supervisor for our assignment. We need our supervisor comment and opinion on it. But when we arrive there and we received our supervisor message and said can we meet tmr??wtf!! Seriously, i'm super angry and speechless!! Actually i got something have to do on that day morning and i rushing to school to met supervisor but he said meet tmr!! Waste my time to school and got nothing! Cuz we have no any class on that day.

Okay! Finally we met our supervisor. And we talk a lot things on that day. Plus, we makan bersame dengan our supervisor and ask something about him. Honestly, the comment or suggestion which he gave us were super helpful. Has a lot of thing actually we must know but we don't know how to do and lucky we met this supervisor and he gave a really nice opinion to us!!

Friday & Saturday
Friday and Saturday(today). I'm getting sick on friday and today. No energy and I don't feel like want to do anything! But one thing HAVE TO DO is rushing assignment!!!
Reallllyyyyy have no idea how to do!!! Spend the whole day to design something and end up of crap!
Can you tell me what angle and what kind of view you want?? I'm not angry, seriously!! maybe we got 代沟! LOL

Okay! back to my assignment! bye, take care and good luck!:)

21 May 2012


最近烦人的事情特别多. 多到透不过气来.
心里也好像多了很多个结, 怎么解也解不开.
烦人的事情不只是一个. 虽说现在的我是个学院生, 但是比起大人们烦的东西差距不大.

最近有点很看不过眼某个人. 觉得他身在福中不知福.
事情是这样的, 某天咱们聚在一起聊天, 仁兄就说他娘会在他的生辰之时买xxx给他.
于是老娘就说你太幸福了, 这位仁兄就说才RMxxx 而已. 就这样的一句话. 老娘也顶不顺他
, 顶他说, 你想怎样哦. 老娘的东西由头到尾都是自己买的. 于是, 在坐的另一个姑娘听后就wow!一声.

其实, 这已不是第一次了. 很多时候都很看不过看. 觉得这位仁兄太小孩子气了.
比起我他可幸福千万倍. 没钱时, 一句回家拿. 这句话听后即使生气, 羡慕, 妒忌 又讨厌.
想想自己没钱时, 第一件事情就是想起去打工赚钱. 学费都是在假期时打工来交的.
想想如果是长学期的话, 学费当然多了. 工作也辛苦多了. 可在你们的眼里我最厉害的就是shopping. 那只是给自己的一些奖励而已.其实, 如果要一一的点算这位仁兄的事情, 恐怕一个post也说不完. 加上, 这也许是这位仁兄的福气. 羡慕不来.

另一方面, 就我所说的, 笑容和话题少了. 是因为最近发生了一些事情. 心不在焉. 想东想西的.
在讨论功课方面, 很抱歉地说, 配合不到大家. 加上, 事情发生后憋在心里的确不好受, 又不能告诉任何人. 最近甚至自己在干什么都不知道. 不管是去上学, 讨论功课, 或是去上班. 都想到能快点回家.

尝试在这里发泄, 但是每次写完后就save as draft 就这样算了. 告诉过自己不会再部落格post不好的事情了. 但是不发泄下. 我真的快疯了. 逼近我也憋在心里快整个月了.

话说, 第三团两周年了. 当然少不了的是聚会啦.  但是以我现在的状况来说, 看来也是没办法去了. 三次了!!! 没去聚旅游聚会三次了. 第一次是马六甲, 第二次是槟城, 现在是PD. 为什么每次都是有事情都不能去. 难道我跟第三团就这么没有缘分吗?

是的, 最近老娘面临了财金将近破产的状况. 续上次也是第一次的破产后, 给老娘留下了极大的阴影. 不得不让我感到极大的烦恼. 接下来还有很多的个人费用需要去交. 突然想起还有ptptn.
你知道吗? 现在你可是我最崇拜的了. T.T

15 May 2012

I won't give up!!

Look at my eyes you also know I'm too tired!!!
Tired on everything! Assignment, job, personal thing and so on. 
Yesterday was rushing and edit photo to clients. Damn it!! I don't know is't my personal problem or what?
Like no one photo which I satisfied. First time I feel like that. T.T
Or maybe I'm really too tired??


I'm not that kind of person who give up easily. Especially in Photography. 

Practice --> Experience--> Perfect

Bye & Take Care!

14 May 2012

Officially Missing You

A song which I fall in love recently!! :)

nice? :)

8 May 2012

Beauty Fair @ KLCC Convention Center

A super hot weather. Even now, at night, I also can feel my body like burning!!
Went to the IBE Beauty Fair @ KLCC Convention Center with Leng Mui and Mian Yang.
Quite disappointed cuz nothing special. Because this is my 1st time to went there and I expected that would be like book fair got crowded people and alot of booth. Out of my expectation. Lol. 

We lepak there around one hour thn back. =(
Back early cuz no more money to buy and the only one boy, Mian Yang, he tired already. Lol. 
Btw, entry is free. Just fill up the form thn you're done! :)

Below the item which I bought from there.

Buy two AQUAMOIST free acmedica. Here around $85.00 and the free one $29.00

And 10 pieces of mask $12.00

 Fake eyelashes $5.00. worth leh. :) This one only lah. Others they sell $15.00. Compared to the $5.00 don't know why so cheap. 

 Now I got 4 set fake eyelash. xD

Regret no buy the magazine which around $8.00 got hampers worth $40.00. t.t. 走宝. 

7 May 2012

I got a new stuff !


If you read my last two post that I mentioned I got something to show which is this!!haha

The Hello Kitty spec!! so excited*
OMG!! love the effect after edit. <333

I wanted to buy it long time ago. I tried to search the price from the internet and know that so expensive they sell in Malaysia which around 19 or 20 ringgit. So I give up to buy it. Cuz I thought to myself no need to spend around 20$ to buy such a unnecessary stuff. Although it looks cute. haha

Well, my friend Leng Mui she got this for me leh!!! She bought this from taiwan around 100twd which means around 10 ringgit malaysia. muahahaha. Save half leh! hahaha. TQ Leng Mui. <3

I prefer the spec color is white/pink/leopard pattern. Lol..You can't complaint or blame when people buy something to you, right? So cincai lah. At least I got it. Also, I got this for Free. muahahaha

OMG!! I see these pictures makes me wanna dye my hair leh!!! Lol. It looks does not match and no fashion sense. Plus, buy a contact lens will be perfect!! :))

Anyway, Tq Leng. 


6 May 2012

A Beautiful Sunday

又是一个美丽的星期天. 哈哈. 大伙, 你们在干啥啊?? 嘻嘻.
就让这美丽的星期天用着没有很华丽的中文来博客下吧~ ;)
话说, 今早下了个很大很大的雨. 但是雨后天晴, 是值得的. muahaha
对于喜欢出街的我来说, 今天可是罕见的一天.
话说, 今早妈妈叫我起身说要出去时, 我竟然第一口就说, 你们出吧. 我想呆在家. 
很奇迹对吧?? 但是本身却找不到不要出门的理由!!!

于是, 我便和我即将考试的妹妹呆在家.
至于我就继续的呆在电脑前, 做做无聊的事情. 

首先, 这怎么能少了吃的呢?

不要吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸哦~哈哈. 吃葡萄能年轻哦~xD

第二, 就是进入无聊阶段.


如果你问我这是什么? 说真的我还想问你看得出这是什么吗??
很像是人类的脸, 又有着猴子的样子.


是抽象画吗?? 画下画下就这样的东东跑出来了. 有种很特别的感觉, 但是就是说不出. 感觉曾经看过似的.

另一方面, 距离能常常博客的机会就快越来越少了. 能博客多少就多少. 原因是, 可能要忙于功课了. 不晓得这样我的读者们会不会少了呢? t.t

今年多人结婚, 这不多说,
例如, 朋友的宝宝没了.
Bersih 3.0
今早还在facebook 上看到光明日报找失踪人.
那个竟然是中学的学姐. 很惊讶. 顿时我校的人大家都纷纷的share出消息. 希望她能看到此事.
孩子还在等着妈妈回家. 为了爱你的家人和等着你去爱的孩子回家吧.

但愿世界平安, 家庭愉快, 心想事成吧. :)))

4 May 2012

Express something

Hello!! How was the day?? It's Friday can you believe!! haha. So much to say, just don't know where/how to express. One by one, okay? :))

1) So far, school opens already has a week but seems like still free. I still got holiday mood. Also, result has been released. Damn you!! I want graduate leh!! Can you treat me good ar?? Lol. I know I can graduate on time.
Wish me luck. muahaha :)


2) Why people like to asked me "Eh, got boyfriend already ar??" Lol. Especially those who my friends are long time no see. They like to asked this question. Today got 1 friends been asking me this question again!! Lol. So, I asked her back, why you all like to asked like this? She said , cuz alot people asked. So I juz follow lo. wtf ? =.=''

Please lah. Don't asked like that, okay?? I know you guys are concerned me but it makes me feel so embarrassed to answer this question lo. Lol.

Well, End this topic. 一切以平常心对待. muahaha


3) I admit I'm started getting laziness to blog. Sometimes I have a thought to deleted my blog. But I can't cuz I got too much memories on my blog no matter that is good or bad. So its become one of my excuse to avoid delete my blog. Lol


4) Have you notice my blog sidebar got this thing?haha

Yup, created a new wishlist to list out the item or other stuff I want. But the most most thing that I REALLY need right now is WACOM!!! No this I totally can't do my animation assignment. >.<


5) Photo

Quite a long time I have no upload new photo of myself with makeup. Cuz no going out recently and the main reason is lazy to makeup. =.='' So, post a previous photo sin. Later take more photo than upload. Cuz I got new stuff I want to show. haha

End here. Bye and Take Care. ^0^

1 May 2012

Hachi: A Dog's Tale

Happy Labor Day!! 
Any plan for this holiday? If no, watch this movie lah. :)

I watched this movie yesterday which my brother he recommended this to me. Super touching movie. This is the second Japanese movie that I watched. The 1st movie I'd watched is Departures 入验师. Highly recommend. Another touching movie. :) 

Okay, back to the topic. If you're a dog lover, you will undoubtedly love this movie. Hachi is the true story of a dog's undying loyalty, to its owner. The true story which is from Japan but this movie film by UK.

Lazy to type all the synopsis. Click here for more infomation. =P

Highly Highly Recommend this movie!!!

After you watch this movie pls recommend to your friends!! Especially who love dog so much. I'm sure that you or your friends will cry while you guys are watching this movie.

As I say just now, this is true story. So, this is the dog statue in Shibuya, Japan.