30 Jan 2012

Syok sendiri

Happy CNY and GONG HEI FATT CHOY!!! =)

It's gonna be nian chu ba (8th day of CNY) already and I didn't snap much pictures this time round. And yesterday was nian chu qi 人日. Happy belated birthday to everyone. Lol.

I took this picture from last week.Lol. Is 梅花. 

This post is gonna be super long. I hope it won't bring you bored. Haha. This post all about Syok Sendiri. Lol.

Er...Actually I don't really like CNY. Because every year is same!! I did nothing since from nian chu san (3rd of CNY) and my parents they don't really like to go out because they said they want to take more rest before they start to work.Lol. =.=''

So, yesterday I started to felt bored and take out my make up stuff ,start to syok sendiri and snap snap snap.Haha

I put some of my make up stuff on my sister desk. Lucky, so taking a nap. Can't let her see this messy desk.  I had to clean this up quickly before she woke up. If not later she scold me gao gao.Lol. 

I'm not a professional makeup artist, so I'm not going to post any make up tutorial on my blog and this post only for fun =.=

Emo?? I guess! 

 Hahaha. Can't see my eyes open. 

I scare le! Don't show me your face looks so serious.  

I'm sexy and I know it! Lol!!! (ignore please*) Orz!

Oh no!!! Can't tahan. @.@Your eyes want dian si ren ar?? Lol!!



Funny picture!!! I love it sooooooo much.Hahaha.
Don't laugh!! I know you laughing. Lol. I try to using a new eyeliner which I bought it from last 2week (I guess). The eyeliner brand is Cyber color. I love it soooo much. Thanks the sales girl who promote it to me. It's super easily to apply. I can swear this eyeliner is better, awesome and amazing that than I use before, EVER!! =)

Haha. This picture looks like I very 撒娇. Don't make me angry huh!!!! If not.....HA HA HA. xD

Hey you!!! I don't afraid you!! You want fight with me??? Fuck yeahh!!!! Lol!!!! You better watch out! xD 

Oppppsss. Got pimples le!!! >.<'' Haha.

25 Jan 2012

Happy Dragon year

I  don't know how to said it. I have no that Chinese New Year mood even is in Chinese New Year Eve. My mood was coming super late. But finally, in night, I hear and saw the fireworks that my mood only come. Too bad. 

I can't believe I get around 900++ angpao money in this year!!! It's super impossible, super awesome and super happy. For the pass year, I only get around RM600++ but this year... the first day, I get around 900++ liao!! woohooo HUAT ARRRRR  \^0^/ 

No income. Lol (means no angpao la) Haha. Went to Kepong Jusco watch movie with my family and my brother gf. Super excited, cuz we watched 逆战. Haha

Er... nice shooting in malaysia. Lol!!! But overall... okay sahaja. =( 

What a boring day I have. Do nothing. Stay at home, watch TV , eat and drink, eat and drink, eat and drink. (Repeat cycle wholeday). How about nian chu si ??? Will repeat again?? o.0! Oh no....please don't!! I want angpao. Target my angpao money can more thn 1K. muahahaha .

Happy CNY!

19 Jan 2012

Vote for Cheesie

Please!! Vote for her~ Cheesie!! Cheesie is one of the popular fashion blogger in Malaysia. This is her first time to be a host. So, what you waiting for?? Just vote for her!!!

Cheesie, Tey Cindy and Shin Yee had showed you their very own super aswesome Sloggi Girls' Night.

But we're sure you have a favourite Sloggi Girls' Night among those three nights or, you might prefer a particular hotsess more* ahem ahem. So vote for your favorite hostess for the sloggi's Sassiest Girl title if you think her Sloggi Girls' Night rocks your socks.

What's SUPER AWESOME? Cheesie Sloggi Girls Night that is. Don't believe me? See it for yourself here& vote for her!

I'm a good girl


话说, 今天除了载妹妹放学和去补习之外, 老娘做了一件事是老娘长那么大以来从没有做过的事.(没记错应该是 =.='')


带妈妈去疯狂shopping. 每次shopping的时候都会有种不孝的感觉或是很愧疚的感觉. 自己打扮美美的, 而妈妈却一直都穿普通的T-shirt来过年. 虽说T-shirt是新的, 但是, 可能是我个人的关系, 觉得不是很好. =X 有时候还省吃俭用的钱来买衣服, 想到都心酸.  另一方面, 自己打工的钱够买自己的新年衣都已经是偷笑了,别说其他的.

所以老娘今年就破例, 带妈妈去shopping. 也许是妈妈年纪大了, 走不到两个小时就喊累了. 还好都有不错的收获. 虽然妈妈的衣服一点都不便宜,比起自己的衣服, 她的一件是我的三件!!! 甚至有的是四, 五件!!!但是只要看到妈妈开心, shopping也开心那就够了. 毕竟, 妈妈是个女的, 有那个女的shopping会不开心啊!!!!! 所以衣服再贵也无所谓啦~hahahaha

在shopping时, 老娘我就当起了maid!!! 然后, 妈妈就是大小姐, 她买, 我拿. 不同的是, 这个maid是负责给钱的那个. 哈哈哈~ 这样的maid哪里找~yao ming troll face.jpg* haha

不过我心里还是会想....... 为什么auntie 的衣服都不可以便宜点的咩!!! troll face.jpg*


17 Jan 2012

Let him go

有些人, 有些事, 该放下的还是要放下. 不管他曾经是你的什么人. 

Hey Girl

有些激動 當你說到他的時候
我想我懂 所以不再保持沉默

逗你笑 不讓你哭
說些平凡大道理 希望你有領悟
喜歡你笑 討厭你哭

hey girl 你怎麼都聽不懂呢
不是都 說好了
hey girl 沒什麼好大不了的
糊塗了 走失了

有些激動 當你說到他的時候
我想我懂 所以不再保持沉默

逗你笑 不讓你哭
說些平凡大道理 希望你有領悟
喜歡你笑 討厭你哭

hey girl 你怎麼都聽不懂呢
不是都 說好了
hey girl 沒什麼好大不了的
糊塗了 走失了

hey girl 你怎麼都放不下呢
錯過了 這一個
hey girl 沒什麼好擔心的
無聊了 寂寞了

16 Jan 2012

Time to Shopping

话说,老娘终于有mood 去shopping了~哈哈. 就在上个星期(忘了那一天)与妹妹约好等她放学后一起去shopping. 因为要等妹妹放学,所以到达那里已经是3.30PM. 另一方面,答应自己不要花超过RM300或以上,但是.........我还是花超过了.  如没有算错,应该是RM500++ T.T 我知道对于真正会shopping的人来说RM500 不算什么,但是如果对一些不常shopping的人来说,可能在他们的心里是个天文数字. 对于我来说还好而已. Lol. 这句话不代表我很有钱或是很会花钱哦~哈哈

也许你不知道,平时的我是很少或是没什么买东西的家伙,有时只是很需要才买. 不然, 老娘是不到新年也不会买东西,甚至平时有买衣服,老娘也可以忍到新年才穿. 哈哈 (我不是夸张的说,是真的哦) 

当然这RM500++ 不只是花在衣服和鞋子啦! 是由上到下,里到外. Lol!! 你明白的啦! xD
只是去了sasa (化妆专门店)一下就花了.....RM200++.   O.M.G!!!!!

Maybelline pure BB mineral smoother RM54.90

Cyber colors black gel eyeliner RM39.90

Maybelline  The Magnum Volum Express Waterproof mascara RM35.90

单单买这三个都RM100++ Orz!!!!!!

很明显的,只是化妆的东西就花了两百多了,当然,不只是以上那3个啦,还有其他保养品等等.  剩下的就去买衣服和鞋子. 鞋子又花了RM70. Orz!!!好像没买到什么东西就花了几百块钱. ='(
衣服方面真的没有什么买到! Orz! 是我outdated 了吗? 为什么没有看中的?? 走了整天才买了6件,其中一件是短裤! 无言的说. =X


8 Jan 2012

No shopping mood

读书时想做工,做工时想读书. 这是每个人都会想到的东西. 不好听一句叫犯贱!!!!
但是为什么老娘不管是读书还是做工都想到的是shopping??? o.0!!!

话说,放假到现在还没有去买新年衣. 看看日历,apa?? 还有两个星期 T.T
之前说要考试没有shopping mood. 但是为什么到现在还是一样没有呢????
还是现在shop 不shop都不当一回事了?? 可是妈妈一直在催我. -.-''

许一个小小的愿望, 希望今年购买的新年衣不要超过RM300 或以上.
不说你不知,自从会做工赚钱以来每年的新年衣都花费不少. 更恐怖的是一年比一年厉害.

Plus,上了学院生活后, 很少出去''wet'' 了. 有时间都留在家睡觉. 买来的衣服都没有机会穿.
中学时嫌衣服少,现在嫌衣服多. Kanasai !!! ><''












我还是很喜欢shopping,享受血拼的过程. =P

2 Jan 2012

Blog skin

说到换blog 的 设计,老娘就开始头痛.
不是Html 就是Css 的问题.

之前不小心delete掉了blog header image 就变成一下这个:


除非自己用Dreamwaver来设计. 但是老娘还没有会这些东东. 

header image 用了自己最喜欢的欧式风格.


1 Jan 2012

Hello 2012


过去不好的东西~通通都忘掉. 从现在开始,我会去关心所关心我的人. 我会去爱所爱我的每个人.
过去都太重感情了,不是,是很很重感情的看待每个身边人(是因为巨蟹座的关系吗?),最后伤的还是自己. 不好听一句,给个心,人家当狗吠.

去年的确过得不怎么好. 发生了很多事情. 比起入学年不怎么开心.但是也让我学习了不少.从中认识了不少,特别是人的另一面. 关心我的朋友,我不会忘记你们.对我不好的你们,我也会记得.至少你让我看懂了你们和我自己. 

新的一年希望能顺利的完成Diploma. 大家平安健康. 事事顺利. Happy New Year!!