18 Jun 2012

XES's Event

I've been wanted to blog this topic long time ago but I don't have the motivation to blog this topic and I gave myself lots of an excuse! 

What i want to blog which is the event i did before. Lol. Actually is i'm one of the photographer of the event on that day. haha

I know i did mentioned that i'll post the photo about the event, right?   
So, you guys should be happy cuz finally i blog this topic. Lol.

Okay, start now!! :)
I'll never forget the day of the event cuz that day is Sunday and the most important thing is the day is Mother's Day!!!!!LOLOLOL....


Everyone will spend that day with their mother or their whole family going to shopping or treat their mother very good or be a filial son or daughther specially on that day. =P 
but what i did is?? --> JOB!!! 
I have a job on that day!! 

Not going to post all the photos cuz i took alot in this event. if i post lots of photos on this post and this will be my very first heavy post. Ever!! Lol. So i just post some on here to share with you guys. :)

So, actually this is a shoes event and the company were invited some artist to this event.

She's one of the artist has been invited for this event and she's an actress as well as a singer. Plus, she also a shoe endorsement for this event. 

Another shoes endorsement on this event. Is a malay singer and actress.

Chit-chat with another two guy. 

 The shoe endorsement was taken photo with the boss.

with boss wife.

MC on that day. Do you know who is he? Does he looks like someone else? 
Or... i give you some tips. He looks like a chinese DJ.
Yes, he looks like a 988 chinese radio DJ KK.
After talk to him. We just realised has a lots of ppl had a same sensation with us which is he really looks like the DJ. Lol.

That's all!! Lol.
bye! ;)

15 Jun 2012

Give it a try!

Hello :)
I just realized recently I super obsessed with craft.
Below the photo which I grab from facebook.
Collected all the photo and will find one day to do. :)

I admit i'm a very lazy girl but i love and i like craft things. But sometime have no a good mood or atmosphere to let me do. So after i see they post these photo and its makes me wanna do craft again!! Lol.
All these are really simple and looks nice. 
As what you see above just as easy as that and i think only spend around 10-20minute already can done! :)
Those who are like craft things and you can give it a try. 
bye! :)

11 Jun 2012

Random Post 2

PTPTN 的钱终于出了! 很多东西都不用那么的烦恼! 因为有钱把问题都变成不是问题!!所以你说钱大不大? xD

父情节就在下个星期, 又是一个特别的日子! 话说, 母亲节都没有庆祝到, 原因是做工. 同一时间大家都在忙. @@'' 妈妈抱歉啦~但是疼爱妈妈不是只是在母亲节对么? xD 妈妈我爱你!<3333
工作是在一个event当photographer. 有时间再post上来吧~ :)

这个月生日的人特别多, 我就在其中~哈哈.
对我来说其实生日并没有什么期待的感觉. 对女人/女生来说生日就是在提醒自己又老去一岁!
何必刻意去庆祝自己又老一岁了呢? haha. 当然, 如果有人跟你庆祝那是最好不过的啦!LOLOLOL
但是生日也别忘了母亲, 是她十月怀胎后, 最辛苦的一天! 谢谢妈妈把我带到这个世界. <333
记得有位男生朋友说: 我们男生一定要尊重女生们, 因为是他们生我们出来的. 看后我立刻给个like 他. 但是我like了后就想, 没有男生的sperm又可以完事吗???o.0!?? 所以.. 我就做了个conclusion! 男女都应互相尊重!hehehe ^_^v

最近联络上一班很久没联络的朋友. 久到怎样? 有八年没有联络了. 是的! 算算, 就是小学同学!
很开心, 很开心, 真的很开心!!! 没想到居住在算是城市的我们居然还有机会联络到小学同学.
大家都开心得不得了. 一开口就说来个聚会. 还说2个小时不够聊要聊到天亮! lol 我也想!!
更没想到的事就是多数人都是在Tarcollege读书的! NANI!!!??? 也对啦, 上college后遇见的小学同学还蛮多的~只是一直没有联想到是同班同学而已~LOLOL

最近都中戏毒! 都怪有了UNIFI!!!!!xDDD
网速比起以前的确快很多! 你老娘我差点就忘了lag这个字的存在!

10 Jun 2012

Mian Yang's birthday

Last Fiday was mian yang's birthday! We plan to celebrated his birthday in the morning! Yes, is morning. Cuz after that we have class no more time to celebrated!

We told him we'd a consultation must go to school at 9am. And actually we cheat him and we actually get ready at his house and plan to giving him a surprise! We call his roommate don't open the door cuz we all standing in front of his door at waiting he open the door and gave him surprise.

So what we plan all was success!! I know, this is a very simple plan and as you know we were limited in time!
bu yao xian qi arrr! xD

Anyway~ Happy Birthday Mian Yang!!

6 Jun 2012


Sorry I miserably failed to blog everyday. ='(
Well, It's June!! An awesome month for me!!
Because...June is my birthday month!!!hahaha

Have a nice day ya. ^o^