28 Oct 2012

Hello! My new blog skin!

Finally! I change my blog skin!!
Have you realize that does any different compared with the previous one?
Yes, quite a big change! I mean the color and the header la. haha
No more cute, change to deep color and a bit cool style?? Especially the title of the font that i use!!

Wanted to change my blog skin long time ago, but i'm quite lazy to think a  new skin because as we all know blogspot has a limit to change. Unless to buy a domain name then you can change and do whatever you want.

Btw, have to back to my assignment liaoooo.......bye!! =D

25 Oct 2012

Random 5

Besides BUSY , BUSY AND BUSY!! I can't find any other word to explain my plight.
Have to rushing web--- e-Commerce design, report recently and 3D cartoon at the same week.
But i really no mood to start my assignment!! Quite lazy and mood down. =(

Juki said she will come back to KL next monday and "jio" me to swim. What a good new!! :)
I'm damn happy after she told me this news. Long time no see since she went to sarawak for study.

Btw, allow me to lazy this two days and do what ever i want to do. After that i will do harder and harder on my assignment!! ><''

God bless me well!!

23 Oct 2012


睡不着. 从床上爬起来打这篇文章.


最近, 就在上个星期发生了一个意想不到的事情.
当然, 这件事情也算告一段落. 不想重复提.
在这个过程中发现一件事情, 就是自己的脾气比想象中好很多了.
也许是当上老师的关系, 再遇到偏差的学生也不能破口大骂. 能忍则忍.
所以现在只要觉得不是问题的问题, 都不想开口多说些什么.
只要给我知道真相就好, 比起隐瞒, 知道真相痛苦一下下好过带着呆呆的自己过一辈子.
4年前已经是个例子. 决不当第二次的傻瓜!! 

特地请假出席pre-wedding dinner 和 第二天的酒楼(详细会另外blog)
发现人啊, 人生就是如此的奥妙.
从中学毕业出来后很多朋友都结婚了,甚至是有了孩子, 距离现在应该有几岁大了吧.
都是没有上大学/ 学院.
堂姐跟我们的年纪相差不大, 是同辈份的.
上大学, 出来工作, 旅行, 到现在结婚. 苏家她是第一个孙结婚.
看着她走向幸福的道门, 自己也替他感动. 差点流泪.
想想自己也是个大专生, 距离毕业虽说还有4个学期, 但是说长不长说短也不算很短.
时间一分一秒的过. 领悟到的是什么? 得到的又是什么?

夜晚特别的宁静, 中文程度没有很好, 写不出什么美丽的字眼,
习惯开着音乐坐在电脑面前做自己喜欢做的事, 但, 今天不一样的是. 关了音乐
也发现自己的每个月都会有所领悟到的事情, 不多, 好过没有. 也算是人生中成长的阶段.

对于功课方面, 明显比起在diploma时的态度不一样了.
也许是在weekday 半工半读的关系. 之前都没有发现这一点. (因为都是周末做工)
只能说time management 真的真的很重要!!

辞职信终于都交到上司的手里, 虽说上司有挽留我的时候,
尤其是从朋友变同事的那种感受. 其中一个更是从朋友变成自己的上司.
感觉很不一样. 也算是目前做过最轻松的office工.
同事也蛮相处得来. 更没想到的是很多都是拉曼生同事. 共同的话题也变多了.

一个人的坚强是有限的. 但是现在的我还顶的住.
单身距离现在也有4年了. 很多人都问我是不是放不开.
说实话, 这个问题也不断地重复问自己.
但是我还是很清楚的知道我是放下了. 也给自己机会去接受新的一段感情.
每天都在自我的成长, 在某些时候, 某些状况, 觉得自己的想法过于成熟, 找不到对象.
兴趣方面更加别说了, 感觉自己的兴趣不是现在, 甚至是身边朋友的兴趣.
例如:  研究和投资外汇, 投资房地产, 买卖商, 经济, 人文古迹, 社会时事, 等等等等.....
身边发生的事情. 这些统统身边朋友都不会聊到的事情.
找对象看来只有等出来正式工作才找到. ><''

每天都在做自己的心理医生. 不是自己有问题.
比起埋怨和哭来的好. 辛苦? 不! 要知道有时候吃得苦中苦方为人上人.
不是说要成为什么顶尖人物, 如, 李嘉诚. 自己有所成长也替自己感到开心.

7 Oct 2012

School And My Work Life

Saturday and Sunday is full of lazinesssssssssssss........
Do you agree???
Yesterday night i was set my phone alarm at 8a.m hope it can rang louder to call me up. Obviously, it's too lazy to wake up from my lovely bed. I switch off the alarm and continue to fall asleep. And after i woke up it's already 12pm. wtf

Well, the purpose i set the alarm which i want to do my assignment because i realize that i have really no time to do since i study and work together in weekdays. So i have to done it fast. Apparently, my plan is fail!!! And now i blogging.....muahahahahaha

Plan to Genting
Last Thursday, when i came back from work. My brother told me that father suggested want to go Genting for 2D1N. After i heard this news my answers was "what you waiting for? Go booked room la" Lol.
Unlucky to us, the room was full in just 2 hours!!! Omg!! My happy mood spoiled liao lo ._______.

Assignment & school stuff
Too much to do, too little time. Recently, i've busy with school stuff such like apply ptptn, open a new bank account, do survey, convocation stuff and bla bla bla.........plus, assignment. Such like my work is never end!! As now i'm a Advanced Diploma student, not a diploma student anymore. Things are changed, all subjected seem to be tough. Also, it took us a bit tension. This is what i observed so far. Seems like everyone are emphasize on their personal and group work. All my friends they keep saying that now already Advanced, not diploma anymore pay attention on your work and bla bla bla...... They looks so serious and one of my friends also saying that she wan get distinction in Advanced. I've no comment, seriously. What i can do is i will do my best in every assignment.

Talk about work
I decided to resign my current job. Because it make my life quite anxious and tension especially every Tuesday and Friday the stupid timetable. Normally, from school to my workplace it took me 30-45 minute but because of the stupid timetable my class was end at 6p.m.!!! I was stuck in traffic jam for one and a half hour or more. Also, Friday class start at 8a.m. It mean i have to wake up at 6a.m. to prepare and avoid the traffic jam and class end at 6p.m. Again!! I stuck in traffic jam and end my work at 9 something, i reached my home where is 10p.m. something. Which mean i'd to spend 16 hours for the whole day long. And if, i continuously to work it might killing me. I can't imagine that if i spend these 16 hours to school, work plus stuck in traffic jam and back home still have to rushing my assignment. #dying

God!! Please treat me well ya .___.v

6 Oct 2012

So... This is me!















1 Oct 2012

New Month

New month, New day!
1st of October and i just realize last month i just blog for 3 post only!!! What i'm doing huh??? I have no idea.
Hopefully this month can be good for me.
And this post i'm gonna to make a conclusion of the last month. What i'm doing and what happen in last month. =D

Advanced Diploma 
Taking this courses Advanced Diploma been two weeks ago. So far, not yet die!! Lol.
I have a lot of work need to do. No matter is individual or group work. Of course AD work is harder than Diploma work. I can imagine the rest of the month in this semester how busy i am. Yet, report which is one of the work i hate so much!! Reason? NO!! I remember when i study in Diploma someone told me that AD has a lot report need to do and you can't skip it. wtf!!! What a miserable life!!!

Talk about work
I think i have to stop working. I want to focus my assignment. Although i'm glad that i can work together with my secondary school and primary school friends which i've never think that before. But, as i said just now. I can feel that AD life which is not easy as i think. Maybe still new or what. My mother also suggested me to stop this work and change back to work as a promoter. Flexible time and the salary of promoter is higher than now.

Graduate List
The graduate list has been released on last week. And i'm super happy that i can graduate together with my friends. The convocation will base on 24,25 November and 1st of December. The exactly day for our courses that have not confirm yet. Keep reading my blog!!! I will blog this! ^.^v

Beauty Expo
Well, went to the Beauty Expo on last Saturday with my brother and his girlfriend.
The Beauty Expo was bigger than last time i went with leng mui and mian yang.

There has many booth and famous taiwan artist are there. Also, some of the booth they came from other country such like Singapore and Korea. All the product sold at the there were quite cheap. And i saw that got alot people like crazy to buy mask. Like RM1 per one. And the super crazy thing is.......

I bought 10 boxes of eye shadow which cost me RM10 only!!! That mean RM1 per box!! So i never think too much and bought it. My brother's girlfriend also bought 10 boxes of eyeshadow. Seems like both of us  really crazy. And actually the original price is RM6 or 8 (I cant remember the exactly price.) If you want to buy one than it will cost you RM2. So if buy 10 then the price is RM1 of each!
It's not because of i want to save money or think worth or not.  And it's beacause i wanted to buy colorful eyeshadow super duper long time ago and now just in time! Plus the price are really cheap!! So what i'm waiting for, right? =D

Btw, have you ever heard this brand before? SAVEE!!
Honestly, I not really sure that i heard this brand before or not! But this brand which is from Singapore. 
I think can believe gua....LOL

So, i give it a try la. xD

Same beauty brand! Each mask cost RM1. I bought 10 which is RM10. LOL
Think what? Buy lah! =D

Free give!

I thought i will spend so much money in the beauty expo. But it's out of my expectation. Walked for 3hours and just cost me RM20 plus the entrance fee altogether just RM30. 

I will try my best to blog more in this month! At least more than 3!! Ok? xD
Bye and take care. =)