29 Aug 2012

Hello, friends!

Hang out with Cheryll and Oblivion on last Monday. 
Cheryll and Oblivion came to my house and we went to 1Utama Shopping Mall. 
Although this dating quite short. We only had 5 hours stay together and I'd to go back early because of work. But we still had a nice day and nice talk. HAHA
We didn't shop too much. Most of the time that we spend which is in the restaurant of Taiwan and Secret Recipe. We were very treasure in this moment. Because we'r 大忙人! hahaha

Oblivion taken this picture! But!! Me and Cheryll weren't get ready yet!!!


三个无奈的样子. LOL

Thanks Cheryll who fecth me to 1U and back to work. LOL

28 Aug 2012

Popular BookFest 2012 @ KLCC

书展记! LOL
在开始写作文吗? 没有啦~
原本还想着要不要打这篇post呢? 最后....还是开了new post! isshhh...><''

比起往年, 今年想去书展的欲望更加的旺盛~LOL apa ni???
逛了才一下下而已, 很多书都很想买. 但是作为一个精明的消费者, 购买前当然想了很多啦.
虽说现在是放假时段, 但是老娘还是挺忙的. 你问我忙什么? 哎哟...忙做工, 忙跟朋友出去玩咯~hahaha

话说如此, 但确实是没有那个时间去好好地看. 如果买了那么多书, 恐怕到了明年的书展都还没有看完呢! @.@

看了后没感觉. 内容并没有很吸引到我.LOL

逛到累了就去吃东西. 食物还蛮贵的说O.O!
nasi lemak+sandwhich+100plus =RM16.00
但是, nasi lemak 没有old town 那么的有看头和好吃. 就是想象中的那样. 外面打包: cik! nasi lemak biasa satu! 对! 就这样....普通! 至于sandwhich 和100plus就不多说了. 想也知道.
还有一个不知道是什么 non-alcoholic RM3.00!!  是因为100plus是 non-alcoholic 所以就charge RM3.00 么?? 有谁知道这是什么?


虽说是3本. 不多也不少. 但是本人已有8本还没看完的书~LOL
当然, 这些也包括了之前哥买回来的书. 我才没那么的爱书呢~hahahahaha

24 Aug 2012


放假也有好一段时间了. 当然, 我的假期没人家过得那么的幸福. 我必须去"找钱". LOL
还好在放假前, 朋友突然而来的一个facebook message 问我是否有兴趣当兼职老师.

这次, 是人生第一次拿着SPM 成绩去interview. 说实话. 本人觉得可能性入取的机会很低. 于是....就interview嘛~怕什么!? 只是多了张纸.LOLOL.
Before interview, 还填了很多东西.
我可以回答因为朋友问我要不要做工? OR 因为我很需要钱? LOL
还有一题问: 如果学生在课室里吵闹要怎样? 心想, 就是问我要怎样征服他们对吗?
我忘了我回答什么. 但是我相信那个人看到也会笑~LOL...回答完后我还加个"LOL" 因为我也给自己的答案zadao! haha
interview 期间本人还跟那个人argue 我的salary. LOL... 正常嘛! 你以为老娘这几年都白做工么?


第三天....你好~请问是...吗? 你被入取了!

心想: wtf!! 我想象中的老师都是要score A 才能当老师. ._.!

本人教的是家课班. 当朋友告诉我时, 心想:什么跟什么啊! 家课班?? 安亲班我就听过.....=X
知道后, 有点傻眼!!O.O!! 因为....他们不会的可能都是我不会的.LOL
第一个星期上课, 感觉不错. 只是很多东西要复习回. 比如现在的format, 有几个bahagian, 等等...

So far, 到现在都没有问题~muahahah...
oh! 对了~我教的那个是slot3, 一天有3个家课班. 很明显我的是slot3. 也是最多马来人, 印度人, 锡克人的一班. 只有3个是华人. O.O!  而全华人的是slot2! wtf
带/教小孩已经是个问题了. 言语上又是个问题啊!! 很庆幸的~你们比我想象中的"乖" ._.
一天用3语! 有时候blur起来, 跟印度人讲广东话~LOLOLOL...还好他没发现 "汗"
备课还要分SK/SJKC!!!! 有时候老娘也乱了! @.@

其实当了备课老师有4个星期那么多了. 感觉上不像是家课班老师. 因为最近他们都考试没功课做.我就必须负责print东西给他们做. 像是正课老师. 不同的是. 一天里面要教不同年级的学生. 备课都要用到半个小时. 没想到我的挑战还那么大. 一下就教一年级至中一!!!

1) 上司, 老师, 员工, 学生都很nice
2) 小学错过的学习/ 你不知道的, 现在边教边学.
3) 算是暂时稳定的parttime job
4) 开始会想起那些可爱的小瓜. 因为他们都很可爱. 我喜欢他们. 他们都喜欢我~haha

虽然只是4个星期~但是之前听到他们有考试. 心里也会替他们担心些.  ._.

21 Aug 2012

Visit a Thailand temple

Last Sunday, i went out with my family. We head to a temple for pray at 9something a.m.
Well, I don't think have any special thing to say while praying in the temple. So i skip this! LOL.

After that we went to a Thailand temple while we were back from the temple.
 I'm not sure that you heard this before or not. This Thailand temple which is in PJ.

Along the road as you can see there has a lot of stalls. 

All the seller which is Thailand people. And of course they sell a lot Thailand foods.

They having their foods beside of the temple. Like a picnic. LOL

Selling Thailand foods and Thailand instant noodle.

I see a lot people who around this stalls so i walk toward to this stall and take a look.

I don't know is there has any special foods for selling or what. For me, is what you see from this picture. Like nothing special. I don't know the foods and i didn't ask them also. LOL

A stalls of selling Thailand magazine! :)

Selling Thailand movies.

Also, they were selling beer, water and other things in the rear boot. As you all see, the drink they sell wasn't Thailand drinks. LOL

 Thailand snack. Opps..the reflection!

Selling flowers for people to pray.

I still remember when i stepped into this temple. I heard a sound was very familiar. Which is a very popular song recently! OPPA GANGNAM STYLE!! LOL

 I don't know what's the different of the dragon compare with the Chinese dragon. But one thing, a bit different which is the head of the dragon.. As you can see, the dragon has many head. o.0!

 Same as buddhism. They pray with yellow burning incense.
There has a lot Thailand people and Malaysian chinese went there for pray. 

 The famous god of Thailand ERAWAN SHRINE. 四面佛!
 Pray hard after i took this picture. :)
Hopefully, my dreams come true! :)

Feeling good after i went there. Although i have never been Thailand before.
And there really has a lot Thailand people. Likes i'm already in Thailand! haha

19 Aug 2012

Shop at Sunway with 2 girls

Ok! Waiting the day long time liao. Since i make an appointment with them almost 1 month. LOL
The next day i came back from Genting and went out with them. Super tired!! 
Why i'm so stupid to decided that day geh?? O口O!
I can't FFK. Because i know if i miss this. Duno 何年何月何日再相聚. haha

OMG!! This picture i look so fat because of the skirt!!! Who design that skirt huh?? #fail!! Lucky this is not mine! LOL. Duno why that day i picked this skirt lo! -.- 
Have you aware that my outfit of the day looks so weird?? Adui~~apa ni!??!!? Probably i'm really tired. Simply choose an outfit!
Btw, SEE!! As I said before. Girls always like to take photo in the toilet! Lol. The toilet has a BIG mirror.

Oh my goodness! Same skirt look different. I got shape leh!!! LOL. Beside that~I look very skinny between them. Leg lah~ LOL!!!!!!

Went to Guardian and bought this revlon rose nectar lipstick. It cost me RM35.00
So far, bought the most expensive lipstick. GOOD! Recommended you to buy.
And we went to parkson. I bought a  sleeveless garment for RM39.00 and it had 70% discount which is RM11.70. Not enough money so i just bought one. haha

Before that we head to Kim Gary Restaurant to enjoy our lunch! You know! I have had super long time no went there eat liao. I think got 4 years. Last time i went there makan which is with my ex! wtf!
I ordered the spicy noodle that he hate alot geh. So wat?? You can't say anything right now. haha

17 Aug 2012

2D1N Genting Trip

Hello! As you see the blog title. Today i'm gonna to blog about Genting Trip!! :))
Came back from genting few days ago and finally i have time to blog!
And this is a SUPER LONG POST since i started to blog till now! haha :p

Went to Genting on last Saturday and Sunday with 2D1N trip with my classmate plus my brother.
This is the second time which i went to Genting with my classmate. But this time i went to Genting with different gang and two people same as last time.  Here is the link!

This is our last trip in this semester break.
Quite alot of fun and i'm sooooo happy because yf tan, aichin and sook ying who finally join our trip of the semester. Because everytime when semester break is coming they sure go back to their hometown. I know! I know i cant say anything, because they miss home so much and i only the one who back home everyday after the class. So i cant say anything. =X

But this is our memorable trip, ever!!!
Because got two funny people joined us who is aichin and hui ling.
Especially is hui ling! She talk a lot oddly things that we don't know what she said! Lol
They bring us alot of fun and can't stop to laugh.
Even now the dialog still appear in my mind! LOL.

The day that we met at gombak terminal putral at 8a.m. and took genting bus to genting.
Actually we're quite lucky for this trip.
Because there is no more room available for us. We booked First World Hotel. And lucky leng mui she found a place to us and the place were quite nice and cheaper. The reason we called to asked the people said now is Singapore public holiday and recently has alot event, concert and blablabla.....so room full! wtf! So we force to find out another place. Before that, we have thought we overnight on the street or find a coffe shop to chit-chat till morning. Lol. Finally, leng mui found a nice place so that we no need overnight on the street liao~hahahahahahaha

Here are some picture but some of it quite blur and clear. Because we using DSLR and Digital Camera. LOL...No need to explain liao. hehe. But never mind la. Can keep it as a good memories than can liao.hahaha.

 Same as last time we took Skyway(cable car) to Genting.
Before that!!...Aiya..as you know la. Girls always like to take photo in the toilet geh LOL.

Skyway...Skyway...we are coming ^.^

 This is a different kind of feeling with them. :)

Sook Ying!! Why you looks like something special that you see geh??haha
Is't the camera girl so weird??haha

 Indoor. We reach there around 9 something like that (i think o.0!)
Not much people maybe is still early.

So we decide to bought indoor+ourdoor ticket which RM66 (normal price)
For express which is around RM110++ (i think o.0!)

 My brother decide to roam around at indoor and snap alot nice picture. haha

 Have alot of show on that day like magic, dacing and so on...

The 1st game that we play! Also, 1st time i play this game.LOL
GOOD!!! syok!! xD

I like this leh!!! Aichin!! LOOK!! I looks like your girlfriend leh. haha so sweet ^o^

Two leng lui. LOL

Monkey want jump out liao~haha

Got feel!! nice!!

Aichin look beh song with the game! Because she lose it.haha
Itu abang tipu orang!!!hahaha

Got one budak lelaki he join us and take photo. And after that has alot budak came to take picture. LOL. 

Hui ling took this and after that she shake her head! LOl.
A secret that we know~hahaha

O..O... got 1 ppl disappear liao~guess who???haha


HC: How??
YF: syok-nya~hahaha

After that we went back and makan. haha
The day before i went to genting. My brother told me go genting must try this! Actually i duno what is this call. This stalls in the food court. I also not sure this is korea food or japanese food -.-
Nvm!! What i can say is REALLY DELICIOUS!!!! 
We  all ordered this!! Yummy!! haha
As you can see the chicken has not cook yet. They put the chicken on the stone(the stone is really HOT!!) 
And you cook it by yourself! That's all!! nice right??haha

 After that we roam around and take photo.

After that we back to the hotel and drop off our stuff ,bath and rest. 
Taking photo when we were waiting the bus to genting. Oh ya our rest place at 清水岩hotel. 
So we have to wait the bus come and fetch. One thing that i very satisfied which is the bus come every 1 hour! So you no need wait too long. :)


 Time to makan. Dinner time.(¯﹃¯)

 Think a few second, duno how to explain his expression. What i know is LOL!!! 

 From this picture i know you are sooo hungry!! haha
After the dinner we roam around and play indoor games than go back.

Night at 清水岩. 
Really Really cool and nice view and peaceful~LOL

Duno why, i feel like this pic like a drama poster.
 yf tan forever alone!! xD aichin and leng mui is zi mui , got one ppl always is blur geh. Than another 3 people is 三角恋~LOL... 有木有?  #famous liao xD

After took this picture we all back to our room and after half and hour i think. The three guys came to our room and play games. I wanted to share that games to them long time ago. Finally, this is a good opportunity to show them, teach them and play with them. :)))

Around 3a.m. i can't tahan already because i'm play so crazy in the morning at the ourdoor theme park so i lost my voice and become so sexy. Plus, Sook Ying also want to sleep. So we end the games at 3a.m. Sook Ying said my voice like Cecilia Cheung. really??? oh no..haha

The second day which is the last day at there. Yf tan, leng mui ,monkey and aichin they pray. 



 为什么前面三位斜一边了?? @.@

 Not yet ready leh! haha 

 SEE!! nice picture! This is called friendship (forever)??? 
I won't forget you guys geh. Miss you so much!! HAHAHA

 Aiyoyo, leng mui you hand abit cacat liao~haha
Your hand high abit please! xD

 I love this picture so much!!
when my brother help us to taking this picture we heard that got one chinese women said: 这太有意思了, 再来一次我跟你们拍.LOL
She said: 你们在跟佛祖忏悔吗? LOL
And than got another two woman come and taking photo with us. ^.^v
They came from China. Nice to met you and have a nice day ya. haha 

sook ying macam 睡不醒 xD 
leng mui and yf tan....er....??? 

 I like this picture and i hope that our graduation can do this again! :) #prayhard

When aichin she bei zhe leng mui got two things which pop out in my mind. One is 妈妈背着女儿. another one is 妹妹背着洋娃娃 LOL.

Leng mui and monkey which is a good combination artist (they said!) LOL
They are 成熟+可爱二人组 xD
We got took a video which is they intro themselves. laugh die (us)!!
I couldn't post here because this is our secret and i want to protect them cuz they are already 红!! monkey said want 低调点 ~哈哈哈

I'm very very satisfied with this Genting Trip. I think they too. :)

Before we checked out and.....

This picture like we are showing our breast. isshh><''

Yup! That's all!!! Actually this is a part of the picture that i post here. Still alot i didnt show because not really  funny and nice. So i juz post that picture that i like. LOL

Thanks you guys! We had a really really nice trip! And I blog this post few hours ago! wtf! -.-''