28 Nov 2012

Time Management

I have been really really busy recently!!!
Busy in what?? Of course is assignment la~LOL
Now is already week 11, mean that only have 3 more weeks to rushing 4 assignment!

I admit that i have interested on 3D before and like to watch 3D movies as well. Also, wonder to know how they create 3D animation. But! Now it seems like i just like to watch 3D movies more than become a 3D animator. Create a 3D character likes, it can killing me @.@ Keep check the progress and see got cacat or not. Keep turn it 360 degree whether got mistakes or not and many more. -.-

New Media
I dislike this subject, I dislike the lecturer. Although i know that if you got idea to create the Digital+Fizikal it might be a super awesome design. But, sorry! I just like to enjoy the outcome more than i personally to do it.
Maybe i don't have the motivation or else no matter how long and how much i will spend on it!

Motion Graphic
So far, this subject is quite okay only! ._.
I don't have much comment on this subject. I just dislike the lecturer always got excuse to skip our class.
And unlucky i was miss the lecturer survey time or else, he sure DIE!!!

E-commerce Design
The only one subject i got interest in this semester! But, so what?? TIME!! TIME!!! TIME!!
I need more time to finish this perfectly!!! I think no A on this subject liao. Because now only have 2 weeks to finish this assignment and i have to cover other's assignment! T.T
Do not expect too much for me. I affair leh!! >.<''

Last but not least, the super important thing i haven't done yet. Which is the intern! I haven't send my resume to the company yet! Godshhhh...... I need to redo my demo reel for the interview purpose. I blamed Sir didn't tell us the assignment actually is for interview purpose. I know this which is i heard from Ms, Theng!!
Shit you!!

18 Nov 2012

Random 7


话说上个星期五是我最后一天当老师. 工作就到此结束
是目前以来第二个不舍同事们的工作地方, 也是唯一一个是最轻松的工作.
还记得工作当天Alice突然说记得找我哦, 不然我们没什么机会见面了.
搞得我不找他好像没什么义气. LOL
再说, 就因工作的结束, 再也没机会给自己借口说没时间做自己想做的事了

之前在等spm 成绩出之前在那间office上班也是这样.
sook ching 叫我记得回去找他们喝茶. 结果....pai seh la... 我自己的私人时间也有限 ><''

不晓得下次intern 的时候同事会不会如上两次来得好.
话说上次写了要photography, video/editing, web design
就知道老师会给web design

恕我见闻少, 只知道锦纶泰还有Swatch.

那天, 跟mianyang借了wacom来做功课.
就在昨晚把手上的功课赶完后便send去给group member
之后就在google image 随便找了个图案来做Digital Painting.

仔细看~你会笑爆 xD

很久之前想做的事就这样的result. ><''
只能说经验还不足, 心思应该多放点 (因为这个才用了不到一小时就完成的东西)....... 
有机会, 有时间, 有钱, 去买一个wacom再慢慢画呗 ._.v

16 Nov 2012

I got holiday?

How i was spend my holiday in Tuesday and Thursday?

Tuesday supposed to be a wonderful public holiday.
Wait a minute!!
Perhaps, i have to said Happy Belated Deepavali. xD
Well, I wanted to go Kinokuniya alone long time ago. But it's too far from my house to there. Yet, i realize that since i was study in college and seldom to go out alone. So I called leng mui out with me and a special guest. Who is my secondary school friend as well as my boss right now - Alice.

Actually she want me to bring her to wangsa maju thre's JPJ. So i said after went there then how about we go Kinokuniya? And then she said okay. We went there by LRT. Alice said she has quite long time no took public transport. Lol. So? You owe me a thanks. xD  

After a few hours ago, i was super duper disappointed which i can't find the books that i want. Such like wasting my time and i keep using there machine to search whether the books i want were available at this store or not. It's really pissed me off. Alice said she has books want to buy but it is quite expensive and she suggested to go to The Curve see whether Popular got the books that we want. After that leng mui back to hostel then me and Alice went to The Curve.

Finally, I found that's a lots of book that i wanted to buy are there!! And Alice also bought the books she want.  Also, got member card discount. LOL.

Thursday, a public holiday also. What i did which is spend my whole day to sit in front of my computer and doing assignment. Keep drawing and 3D facial expression.

Btw, i have a plan to do hope i can done it during the weekends. ><''
Winners is never quit, Quitters is never win. my recently motto* Gambateh.\^o^/

8 Nov 2012

Random 6

没想到早上和下午阳光普照, 晚上却是雷电交加.
更不管现在风有多大, 雷有多响.

比起以前, 现在不太会主动说话.

倒数不到5天, 就可以离开现在的岗位.
以前做工都不感到累, 原因都是在周末时工作

脑海里不断出现的就是功课还没做完, 功课还没做完的字眼
最讨厌就是考试, 已经不是读书的料
还要读一些它懂我, 我不懂它的东西

明明上个星期还记得的. 为什么这个星期却忘了
这个我人生第一次忘记家人的生日, 爸!!!对不起啦.
迟点补回可以么? T.T


你就那么的了解我. 很难不让我对你着迷~LOL
但是这些都是past trense liao~~ :/

6 Nov 2012

Family Trip

记得最后一次去是跟学院朋友的毕业旅行~感觉不错 :)

也知道最近都是雨季, 当天的天气特别特别的冷, 
雨, 不大! 刚刚好, 雾也很美 雨后的风景就如拍出HD的画片那么的清晰, 很美! 
Everything is perfect!! 

也多得老天爷的眷顾, 给父母看到美丽的云顶
爸爸也说回忆起很多年轻时的事情. LOL
心想, 我老去后会不会记得与一般傻瓜朋友一起做过的傻事呢? xD

 我和妹妹分别戴了不同款式的眼镜 ^.^v
话说啊~妹妹不好意思戴着走路, 还说感觉很奇怪
至于我就不知道哪天发什么神经, 全程带着, 从出门到回家去大排档吃东西都带着
有一个更好笑, 特地跑超越我后回头望~ 
真的有那么的奇怪吗???o.0!?   LOL

 厕所永远都是给女生拿来自拍的好地方 LOL.......

没想到去云顶消费最多的是我 @@
有注意到我的脸蛋红红么? testing太多不同牌子和深浅的腮红导致而成的

忘了是谁叫爸妈摆的post 哈哈

风!!真的很大, 坐在车里自拍哈哈~眼睛开不了了~哈哈


2 Nov 2012

Do i really like K-POP?

Hello November! Hello my dear reader and Hello some of the invisible new follower. :)
Been busy with my assignment and it suddenly make my blood pressure elevation. Because all the submission deadlines on the same day plus exam T.T
I need some thing to inspired my motivation so i choose to listen song. My windows media play was non-stop to playing song and when i get bored with it i go to youtube and find some song to listen. Surprisingly, i found a lot of song that i really like and some of the song i listened before but don't know the name and it suddenly came out. lol

Okay, back to the topic about K-POP.
As i said just now i found a lot of song yet i found some k-pop song also.
After i listened so many song and i have a question pop out in my mind.

Do i (and you) really like K-POP or Fashion or their's Culture??
Have you think about it before? Or You does not like any kind of things is all about Korea?
Or........u don't know what is....erm.....Korea? This should be impossible right? xp

I'm not a big fans in K-POP but i do listen often. It considered a little fans. i think? o.0??!!?? LOL
Here i list out which K-POP that i like or do listening their song often.

Before you continue to read this post i want to emphasize all this is my personal thought and if you don't like it PLEASE!! Please ignore it, forget it or close this tab. Thanks for your cooperation. =)

The first K-POP artist that i like before. But now they separated in two group where is JYJ and another one still is TVXQ. The popular song of them which is Raising sun and i did a performance by using this song in my secondary school. Although the video our's group member posted to youtube before but i couldn't find it again! >.<''
I love to listening Hug, this song before because they looks so cute and immature.
But now they are separated in two group and it should not group again!! I remember last time i found a video from youtube and they sing raising sun by two people only, i suddenly felt like want to cry. =(
Where is the power? Two people to cover five people dance and sing. How pity!!
Btw, i got buy their's DVD also. IS LIMITED ONE!!! =)))))))

Super Junior
Sorry for the super junior fans. I like their's song which is "Sorry" ONLY!! I like the music and dance.
No comment with this group. So...skip this.

Oppa Gangnam Style which is the super duper famous song and all people know this!! I think no need to explain and talk about this. Everyone seen this video before right? haha

There is few song that i like and i like their's dance also. Got powerful!! xD
Especially Hyuna!! But!!! Recently has new song of  Hyuna. It's ice-cream. To be honestly, i don't even really like Hyuna style on this song no matter the style dance or whatever. Sorry for who is Hyuna fans. =(
But!! I will continuously to listen her song except ice-cream lah. ._.v

Same as 4minute. Only few song that i like and dance.

Wonder Girls
I know even some of you are not a fans of wonder girls but i'm sure that you listened one song was from them. That is NOBODY! Seriously, even u don't know who is wonder girl when the music is play and u can automatically to sing or humming the music. And recently i like their's song which is "Like this". I wanted to learn the dance. haha

Girl Generation
Last!! I have a thought which maybe i will find some times to download all their's song. LOL
I think i really fall in love with girl generation liao lo. WHY????
Because i realize that i love every single song, dance, style, almost is everything.
I like to listen their's song before such like Gee and Genius but i crazy like their style recently.

That's the few K-POP start i like and have listen their's song often.