但我想只要不爆出数字应该没什么问题 =P
话说回来,毕业后出来工作快一年了。也是时候该还债了。就在几天前中了PTPTN 的warning letter。其实中了也是件好事,原本上PTPTN 网站是想看看自己该还的债务有多少。
结果发现其中一个问题就是每个月都在增加我的贷款!!! 其中之一就是9811 BYR INS KEPADA SYKT 还有1230 UJRAH 和1130 UJRAH....(我也还没了解是什么东西)
但看见的是钱每个月都在增加一直到现在!!! Orz
听起来5年内还清有点遥不可及。毕竟除了还Diploma还要还Adv. Diploma的两项债务。
但不管怎样至少有个目标! :)
除了偶尔做些freelance之外。在很早以前有想过要有自己的事业。虽然不是什么赚大钱的计划。都是基于兴趣,所以便想把兴趣当饭吃。哈哈,一切都还在计划当中。多得这封PTPTN的警告信让我更加有动力了。希望所计划的事情都能如期完成 :)
22 Apr 2015
14 Apr 2015
话说在新年前换了一份新工作。还有一个月就完成试用期, 比起之前公司环境虽没之前的好, 毕竟从中小型公司转换到了小公司。也因如此人数少了整整十倍!!!
其他的不说,很期待接下来的每一个工作。每一天都是新的挑战。工作量虽然不多。但每个但都特伤脑筋。重要的是, 很难得可以向老板学习。 也许是小公司的关系, 同事间比较容易合得来。今天, 老板问了一句说:对script有兴趣吗? 而我也答了一句说: 好奇。 接着也说:好奇是好事来的。 虽说没放在心上。 但回头想如有机会学为何不学呢? 对不? 难得老板肯教。 不过话说回来都是时间的关系。 先把基本面也学好再考虑考虑。
4) Have a own business -> In progress
5) Flat belly -> In progress =P
6) Explore...-> In progress
7) Improve my design sense and photography -> 边工作边学习
话说在新年前换了一份新工作。还有一个月就完成试用期, 比起之前公司环境虽没之前的好, 毕竟从中小型公司转换到了小公司。也因如此人数少了整整十倍!!!
其他的不说,很期待接下来的每一个工作。每一天都是新的挑战。工作量虽然不多。但每个但都特伤脑筋。重要的是, 很难得可以向老板学习。 也许是小公司的关系, 同事间比较容易合得来。今天, 老板问了一句说:对script有兴趣吗? 而我也答了一句说: 好奇。 接着也说:好奇是好事来的。 虽说没放在心上。 但回头想如有机会学为何不学呢? 对不? 难得老板肯教。 不过话说回来都是时间的关系。 先把基本面也学好再考虑考虑。
1) Travel at least a country -> Thailand, Bangkok (In July)
2) Saving up to 6k -> 努力中!!!4) Have a own business -> In progress
5) Flat belly -> In progress =P
6) Explore...-> In progress
7) Improve my design sense and photography -> 边工作边学习
年轻时间就是金钱。自我提升就是为将来铺路。大学毕业才是人生正真刚进入社会大学的开始。尤其工作必须接触的是Digital works什么新的trends都必须知道。给自己5年的时间不长也不短。也是一个大学生的黄金时间。看来必须为未来的5年定下一个目标好让自己有个目标前进。加油吧!! 期待看见自己的变化 =)
21 Feb 2015
Hi Feb
KL people 还真的是没什么节目啊~
而是~发挥不出自己的特点/才华吧~Design的line~的确很广~ Orz
虽工作三天~但到目前为止都还不错~于同事沟通上不会有很大的问题或是尴尬等类似的事情~哈哈哈~最重要的是~我的工作位子是独立的!!!!!! 在没有人说话和吵杂的声音下工作~
话说回来~由于这个月是新年~开销超出我的预算!! 我的妈啊~
希望能按计划出国吧~ :)
Wishing you all have a prosperous and Happy Chinese New Year :)
26 Jan 2015
Resolution 2015
It's almost end of the month of January. And now I just blog for the first post in this year. It can realize how fast is it!
1) Travel at least a country
Been asking many times that my friend Jio me to travel to Thailand and China.
Will manage to have some local travels as well =)
But the biggest problem is money~lolz~
2) Saving up to 6k
After working you will realize it's hard to save money. So, I will try my best to save up to 6k a year. Plus, now I started to invest share and hope that can have some extra income. =)
3) Have a own business
I always think that to have a own business. But then always end up of my thinking. Looking what business can run.
4) Flat belly
As I was mentioned in the previous post, I got a bunch of friends who likes outdoor activity. And now I join them often to running,hiking and explore new place. People always said I too slim. But I know I got a "spare tyre". Hope I can slim down and have a flat belly. hohoho~ Yet~eat healthy as possible.
5) Explore...
Read more books and explore new place to upgrade myself and improve myself. Learn to be a good listener rather than a talker.
6) Improve my design sense and photography
After graduated, can see that how different design in commercial and school work. Learning is a task that never end. Yet, wanted to buy a DSLR for myself to improve my photography skill. Else will forget and waste the money learned in college.
Okay~ set 7 targets for myself in this year.
Hope that I can hit all targets in 2015.
I think it's a good challenges for me.
What about yours? =)
I always think that to have a own business. But then always end up of my thinking. Looking what business can run.
4) Flat belly
As I was mentioned in the previous post, I got a bunch of friends who likes outdoor activity. And now I join them often to running,hiking and explore new place. People always said I too slim. But I know I got a "spare tyre". Hope I can slim down and have a flat belly. hohoho~ Yet~eat healthy as possible.
5) Explore...
Read more books and explore new place to upgrade myself and improve myself. Learn to be a good listener rather than a talker.
6) Improve my design sense and photography
After graduated, can see that how different design in commercial and school work. Learning is a task that never end. Yet, wanted to buy a DSLR for myself to improve my photography skill. Else will forget and waste the money learned in college.
Okay~ set 7 targets for myself in this year.
Hope that I can hit all targets in 2015.
I think it's a good challenges for me.
What about yours? =)