17 Feb 2012

A random post

It's Friday nite!!!! What you guys been doing?? o.0! HAHA.
Been 1 week didn't update my blog!! Coz I lazy to blog recently and already reopen school and started my college life around 2 week. o.0!

Okay! Go back to the Chinese Word. =X

先来一张自拍才进入话题 xD paiseh 没化妆就post上来.=P

话说, 开学才不过第二个星期而已就发生很多事情. 
第一: 成绩历史重演!!! 烂到!!!!! no eyes see*
第二: FYP出现小问题. 说好要group的member却突然离开队伍. The main reason---> I don't know.xD
第三: 老娘破产啦. 交学费, 电话费......... 等! 其他东西. 老娘的红包钱见底啦 T.T
第四: 今天老娘记错时间,12点的课记到10点. 还好Leng Mui在宿舍收留老娘. 感动* Q.Q


不记得了 Orz. 不好的事情, 老娘不记多. Lol. yameh?!

开学没多久就发生那么多事情, 虽然还有些不是什么大事情, 但是老娘还是希望这个学期
能够顺利的完成. 不管什么事情都好,都可以顺顺利利的完成. :)

另一方面, 有否注意到老娘的blog最近都写英文了?
原因就是, 我爽啊! Lol. 但是,也辛苦了我的blog reader 和那些莫名闯进来的visitor的眼睛.
原谅老娘的英文程度. 但是看不明白是你的事啦! 老娘又没有著名你一定要看明白.Lol.
况且, 我有学习的精神, 你妒忌我都来不及叻!Lol. justkidding*

Always Love You (Original) - Brandon Lee (Feat. Alarice)

How it's?? Great right?? This is one of my favourite song recently!!Yea, is recently!!Lol. I love it so much. :)
I knew this song through a blogger which is from Singapore and actually I knew this from her youtube video.
She said she bought this album from Starbucks (of course is Singapore Starbucks la) and this album name call  My Life - Brandon Lee. 
As I know he is a basically just some random singer/ songwriter. I love his music. Good job!! Keep it up :)

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