27 Feb 2012

The Happiest Woman in The World!!

A perfect and wonderful wedding proposal he did!! :)
He wife cried like hell!!Lol.
I wonder to  know how much he spent in this proposal? o.0!?!

25 Feb 2012

My Saturday with them

No need wake up early, no school so that's PERFECT LIFE!! Lolol =)

BUT! Today would be a little difference because I woke up early to get ready something and go out to carry leng mui and sheep to my house. The reason they came to my house is we gotta do assignment. What assignment that we did?? Actually this assignment really out of my expected! I didn't thought that our courses will do craft! Like D.I.Y something and after that we have to take pic and such a waste of our time. Lol. And actually this assignment is design a webpage call Interactive Web Design. The tittle is create a webpage and put some product like a eCommerce website.

Here are some picture in progressing =)

mian yang why you so girlish?? Play with the ribbon. Lol. 

 You see! They so hardworking!!!O.O!!?

But actually NOT!! muahaha.
Both of them laugh out loud because of the saliva. xD 
And I'm the only one beside them and don't know what happened with them and I keep asking what you guys laugh actually??Lol.

 See!! Three of us SO SERIOUS!! I can't believe xD 

 Dinner time!!! =) So Yummy =)

22 Feb 2012

Something special!??

话说, 今天还真的是有惊无险啊!!!

事情是这样的. 今天只有上一堂课. 昨天咱们说好今天放学后就去买材料. 于是放学后, 跟一般朋友就乘搭LRT去China Town. 谁知道, 原来已经有很多店都已经关门大吉/般了. 我们顿时变成了迷失方向的小绵羊. WHAT?!? Lol.

于是我便一通电话给妈妈, 问我们要去的店. 很兴奋的, 找到了. 也没有关门大吉/般了. 但是那间店卖东西的价钱加多十多二十块可以是我一个星期的零用钱了. T.T  加上, 也没有我们要的东西就只好离开了.

就这样的走走停停, 下雨了........

在回去前去了最后一间店, 还好最后买到了咱们要买的东西. 莹也买到了他们要的东西.=)))
价钱个人觉得不知道要说贵还是便宜, 因为老娘记得是没有那么贵的. 也有可能什么都起价了,这个也起价不出奇. 所以在没有的compare之下就只好买了. 就当做一次过吧. =)

然后最最后进的一间店就是popular. 在哪里游荡了一下. 就回了.


说故事的时间到! =)

首先,当我们买好票上去等车,不久后就来了一辆, 很开心, 不必等那么久,又有位子坐. (因为大家都好累哦.)
于是在火车要停下来的时候我便看到其中一个门是特别少人的,加上从外面看进去就只有一对情侣. 于是在很快之下,我便说就进这个门吧.

进去坐下来之后, 我们就看到有一个红色的环保袋, 于是莹和灵就看个究竟. 我便说可能是刚刚
那对情侣留下来的吧. 但是莹就很奇怪的眼神回复我说,情侣? 我就说不是那两个人留下的吗?
她又回答我说: 没有人啊!? 于是我就傻眼,问,灵和绵羊! 一个说没注意到一个就说完全没看到. 我开始吓自己了.

之后,莹就说要换位置吗? 然后很快地绵羊第一个站起来,我们也接着换位子. 因为知道莹一向来都会开完笑就再问: 她说,她发誓. 她真的没有看到任何一个人. 顿时,静了一下.

另一方面,从哪个位置看到一个人,男生,穿着西装蹲着,对着电话. 双手伸直,手掌打开的放在地下拍打. 摇摇头又拍打,每隔几秒又重复一样的东西. 周围的人都看着他.

实在是很恐怖!!! 不知道那个人发生什么事. 突然看到他头转向右边, 可能是有人问他东西吧.
他又摇摇头转回来又做回同样的东西. O.O!!!?? 加上拍打的声音不小. 我开始注意到越来越多人看着他.

于是莹提出了我也想提出的意见就是下车等下一辆. 最后我们一起下车等下一辆. 下一辆来了后,我们便走进去. 大家都发觉到有一样东西很特别就是不知道是什么. 于是我就说你们有没有发觉到这辆比较亮?! 他们顿时才发觉到. 刚刚乘搭的那辆LRT里面真的很黑暗.

很多很奇怪的东西发生. 我们都在自己吓自己. =.=''
希望着一切都是假象. 大家平安就好. 也希望那个男的没事吧 =)

21 Feb 2012


I'm gonna to share with you a video that's really really funny. I watched this last week but I always forgot to post here.
I remember when I was a secondary student my friends always talk like that!  #ABUDEN!? xD 
Enjoy :) 


Today after the practical class aichin suggested to go to Jusco. Cox there was a period of time we didn't go there. So, here you can see I using iPhone4s to take pic. But the iphone4s actually is not mine!! Lolol. Actually is belong to aichin. ='( I ENVY YOU!! Never mind! I buy iphone5 later. Lolol. I using her phone to take some pic and edit it. It's awesome!! I love instragam. But only iphone got instagram. too bad.  ='(  
But we had fun today. #ABUDEN?! =P

19 Feb 2012

New apps

Not a blog post!!
But since I didn't post anything through my mobile phone in a very longggg time. So here's one. :)

Download a new apps which is Mtxx.

Happy Sunday :)

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

17 Feb 2012

A random post

It's Friday nite!!!! What you guys been doing?? o.0! HAHA.
Been 1 week didn't update my blog!! Coz I lazy to blog recently and already reopen school and started my college life around 2 week. o.0!

Okay! Go back to the Chinese Word. =X

先来一张自拍才进入话题 xD paiseh 没化妆就post上来.=P

话说, 开学才不过第二个星期而已就发生很多事情. 
第一: 成绩历史重演!!! 烂到!!!!! no eyes see*
第二: FYP出现小问题. 说好要group的member却突然离开队伍. The main reason---> I don't know.xD
第三: 老娘破产啦. 交学费, 电话费......... 等! 其他东西. 老娘的红包钱见底啦 T.T
第四: 今天老娘记错时间,12点的课记到10点. 还好Leng Mui在宿舍收留老娘. 感动* Q.Q


不记得了 Orz. 不好的事情, 老娘不记多. Lol. yameh?!

开学没多久就发生那么多事情, 虽然还有些不是什么大事情, 但是老娘还是希望这个学期
能够顺利的完成. 不管什么事情都好,都可以顺顺利利的完成. :)

另一方面, 有否注意到老娘的blog最近都写英文了?
原因就是, 我爽啊! Lol. 但是,也辛苦了我的blog reader 和那些莫名闯进来的visitor的眼睛.
原谅老娘的英文程度. 但是看不明白是你的事啦! 老娘又没有著名你一定要看明白.Lol.
况且, 我有学习的精神, 你妒忌我都来不及叻!Lol. justkidding*

Always Love You (Original) - Brandon Lee (Feat. Alarice)

How it's?? Great right?? This is one of my favourite song recently!!Yea, is recently!!Lol. I love it so much. :)
I knew this song through a blogger which is from Singapore and actually I knew this from her youtube video.
She said she bought this album from Starbucks (of course is Singapore Starbucks la) and this album name call  My Life - Brandon Lee. 
As I know he is a basically just some random singer/ songwriter. I love his music. Good job!! Keep it up :)

8 Feb 2012

Eat dessert for breakfast to lose weight

Good news for girls!!!  I think for guys as well. (Not sure). Lol.

I've read an article today and it talk about health/fitness. Girls who no need deliberately to avoid to eat dessert. You just have to choice between chocolate cake or low-fat yogurt for breakfast.

It sounds too good to be true, but new research says having dessert for breakfast can help people lose weight and keep it off.

According to the article that I read. Doctors at Tel Aviv University say morning is the best time to consume sweets because that's when the body's metabolism is most active, and we have the rest of the day to work off the calories. Eating cookies or chocolate as part of breakfast that includes proteins and carbs also helps stem the craving for sweets later.

The researchers split 193 clinically obese, non-diabetic adults into two groups: one consumed a low-carb diet that included a 300-calorie breakfast; the other got a balanced 600-calorie breakfast that included a dessert item.

Halfway through the 32-week study, both groups had lost an average of 33 lbs. per person. But in the second half of the study the low-carb group regained an average of 22 lbs. per person, while the dessert-for-breakfast group lost an additional 15 lbs. each.

Though both groups consumed the same daily total calories, "the participants in the low-carbohydrate diet group had less satisfaction and felt that they were not full," said Prof. Daniela Jakubowicz, adding that they would eventually give in to cravings for sugar and carbs, and cheat on their diet.

This also suggests that the dessert group will be more successful at keeping the weight off, the researchers said.

6 Feb 2012

Celebrate My Lovely Mother Birthday

Yesterday I did nothing AGAIN! I woke up at 2.30p.m.(I guess). Aiyo, yesterday was public holiday ma + school holiday as well. So I sleep late also no problem de. xD After I woke up, my mom was asking me want delivery MCD bo? So, of course my answer is WANT LA. Lol. After having my breakfast+lunch my sister told me we gonna go to 1U. Oppsss.... wtf. I almost forget we want to celebrate mother birthday. But.... why no people told me want go 1U geh?? Yuan lai, before Sunday, in Saturday night I sleep early liao. So, that's why no people told me want go 1U. wtf.

We sampai there at 7p.m. (i guess)O.O! So, we walk and walk and walk. See here and see there. ka po here and ka po there.Haha. Finally, we all hungry liao. So, we went to BBQ Plazza having our dinner + celebrate mom birthday la. Another reason is mummy like to go to BBQ Plazza. Lol. This is her second time to BBQ Plazza.

Grab these picture from my brother Macbook.Lol. Happy Birthday to Mother. Love you <3

3 Feb 2012

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years

"A Thousand Years"

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more