20 Jul 2012


Just came back from school and the first thing i used to do is turn on my computer to check my mail and facebook. I think most of you are same like me, am i right? xD

So, i was so excited about one thing which is i received an email from nuffnang about the World Lion Dance Championship 2012 on this Saturday. I'd never thought i got the chance to get ticket from nuffnang.

Here is the proof!

I'm sooo sorry i can't attend!! :(
And i'm so sorry to those who are interested on it and can't get the ticket!
Anyway, thanks nuffnag! :)

16 Jul 2012

Hello! Mr Emo

怎么办?? 怎么办?? Mr Emo 又来找我了. =(
话说啊~最近又不知道发什么神经. 又开始感到生活一点都不精彩.
不知道是自己的关系还是跟星座有关. 老是喜欢想起过去的美好.

最近觉得自己的生活过的很颓废. 虽说是有上课, 做功课, 上上网, 做喜欢的东西.
每天早早起床, 读书, 补习, 跳舞, 回到家后累到要命还要温习功课, 做学校功课, 补习功课.
但是, 一天24小时里是非常的充足的生活.
每个周末一样的要练舞, 出席各个学校的联欢会, 聚会, 表演, 参加比赛, 还是什么其他的活动, 啊! 对了~还有跆拳道.....(好后悔当初放弃哦, 要不然现在就是黑段了. 真希望黑带上缝有我的名字 T.T) 
天啊! 不说都不知道我以前还真的忙到要命哦~哈哈哈哈~
但是是开心的说. ^.^v
周末还有做工啊! 哎哟这是比较后期的啦(就是说那是中三开始的生活)

话说回来, 看看我现的生活. 像什么??? ><''
早上起来, 不是上学就是电脑前做功课, 上网的. 
什么人生目标, 什么冲劲都没有.wtf
这是我吗? 这是我吗? 

另一方面, 我还是觉得我的学院生活不是很精彩. 
看看自己的FB里的album 照片少得不得了. 很可悲的说. (有些自己懒得post, 朋友有tag就有, 没tag就算~LOL) 
再看看朋友的album. 简直是差天共地啊!!!

但是, 本人做了一个调查.
就是...其实并不是每个读学院或是大学的生活都很精彩. 大概有70%的人以上都只是参自己班的人. 更或者是都很少参与活动之类的. =.=''
再想想, 可能是我有参与下乡的关系. 比起其他的热闹了点=.=''
是过动儿么?? 还没...还不算...xD
也许是自己很想要这样的生活吧. =)

每次说等埋其他人考完后去旅行. 这时候就会有人说等他考完我就回了咯!!
他妈的, 是不想去就说咯. 何必这样说话呢? 况且放假有整个月的时间. 又不是没得回家.
或许你会说我住自己的当然说的风骚啦. 但是其实我认识的朋友中没有认识这样的(除了我班的)
只要有心等, 有心要做某件事情. 多久都可以.

Emo 完!
发牢骚 完!

13 Jul 2012

Random post 3

很自然的就去进钱去RM30.00 (一个月)



就是以我的nickname来寄信. 而且还是HADA LABO



里面~哈哈 有分step 哦~很清楚的说不同产品的功效

tester :) mini sizes so cute~haha
Convenient  to carry out and refill. :)

If you feel interested on it you can 
visit their official website to learn how to apply. :)
Step by Step Regime: 

10 Jul 2012

Movie Day

How was the day huh? haha
I've been sick for a few days. T.T (hou san fu ar!!)
That's not funny when you getting sick =(
So you guys have to take care yourself huh. Drink more water ya. ^.^v

Gonna post something about last weekend. ^.^

Dating with Kathy on last Sunday. We went to Pavillion to watched movie. We decided to watched The Amazing Spider-man. 
Wow. you know. The Amazing Spider-man really amazing. You can't miss it. I would like to suggest you guys if you guys really want to watched this movie. You guys better watched in 3D. Because my another gangs of friends said they watched in 2D was not that amazing. Lol. 

And this!!! Hada-Labo. My friend (植木小姐) she told me hadalobo got promotion! So i found it in watson! haha *excited ^.^v

Btw, have a really nice day with Kathy. =)

7 Jul 2012

A lazy girl!!

Happy Saturday! ^.^v 
A lazy girl here! Lol

 Took some photo of me. Cuz nothing to do.

 seems like i'm so free?
No!! I have thousand things to do but i'm super lazy to touch it. wtf

See my desktop you already know how busy i'm and how lazy i'm. Lol
I'm busy and lazy till no time to clean my desktop. 
Gonna spend sometime to clean it. ><''

bye! xoxo 

6 Jul 2012

Thanks Nuffnang & Churp2


I received my cheque from Churp2 and Nuffnang yesterday!!! Just in time!!
Once again thanks Churp2 and Nuffnang!! haha ^_^ ♥

2 Jul 2012

The Day I turned 20

Hey!! I'm officially 20th!!! 30th June was my birthday. And i had a really really nice day on my birthday. ^^

First of all, i have to thanks my college friends who cheat me has a very important thing have to do and at the end they gave me a special. Lol.
Actually i'm quite unhappy and disappointed cuz the day which is my birthday i still have to go to school and rushing assignment and all that. And when i reached there and knocked the door and i never thought that they were standing behind the door and get ready to gave me surprise. Lol. I know this is very common way to giving a surprise but........ 我还是被吓到 ><'' (别告诉别人) LOL

Apparently the celebration was simple. But!!! Honestly i'm very appreciate that. Thanks tikus leng, 植木小姐 and 哆啦a梦小姐 xD (别在意没送到礼物, 比起这个你们的心意我很强烈的感受到 ^.^) Love you baby. haha

The next thing is......
the gathering. I did mentioned that i met all my primary school friends since last few week ago from facebook and our first gathering would be held on my birthday!!! OMG!!! I'm damn happy leh.
Since we have been 8 years didn't meet each other and contact. I'm quite nervous and excited before i met them. Lol.

Here are some photos we took on that day.
I love the cake. Big and taste nice. ^o^

I love this photo SOOOOO MUCH!!!<3333  

From this photo you can see how happy they are. Lol.

boys gang!! plus me!! haha

girls gang!

They all has changed alot and be more mature, guy become handsome and gentlemen!!! I love gentlemen guy. Lol. And girls all pretty leh. haha.Although our childhood has gone but our childhood memories were still keep in our heart. :)

Thanks all my friends and family gave me surprise and birthday wishes. Also, Happy Birthday to myself.
And, wish everything going smoothly and dreams comes true. ^.^v
Love you all. <333