18 Oct 2013

MeCan in Tarc University College

话说两天前学校Canteen2 foyer有个蛮吸引人的游戏:-
就这样的连续看了两个参与者赢了游戏。哎哟~感觉不错哦 ^^
还有小礼物送呢! :) 当时的我们也感到非常好奇.

Grab it from MeCan FB Page

这就是那所谓的机器, 头大身小的机器人. haha. 设计上也不错.
从旁的就听见班上同学HC叫我出去, 我立马的就拒绝了
回想起, 我当时在干嘛啊!!
不是想要有疯狂的回忆吗?为什么没去参与只会做旁边的supporter =.=

Grab it from MeCan FB Page
看到我在哪里了么? 蛮明显的说~哇哈哈
但! 重点不在于我哦
是出现了班上的另一名疯狂者! SY 美眉! xD
看看那位对着机器的漂亮女生吧! 这是我班的疯狂女生之一 xD
自愿上阵的她, 勇气爆灯! haha~
确实, 比起她, 我应该还不算疯狂的那个.
也许,是不一样的疯狂吧. 我的疯狂时期已经过完了吗? o.0a
如论如何, 美女, 美女! 给你100000个Like啊!!! You deserve it!

14 Oct 2013

My blog

Hai hai~ ^_^

Well, it's another hot Sunday but it doesn't spoil my mood to watching TV program. I can tell you what TV program I recently watched which is a China TV program call  非常完美. This program is very popular recently and I knew this because has a lots of people shared on Facebook. It's actually all about love program and see how girls to chase boys. Mean they can find their true love through this program. Girls can brings love token or make some surprise to the boys they likes and many others things. But it's not everyone would be success, some of the girls was refused by the boy she likes. Some of the moment were very touching.

Besides, I also watching some movie which my lecturer call us to watch! wtf. But it's okay lah. At least sir introduce a good movie =P Watching movie also becomes one of the homework. You know what? It is a dreams I always made during my primary and secondary school. hahaha~ I bet you also dream like this! XD

Alright,should be back to the topic. It has been a period of time since I updated the last entry about nuffnang. Maybe you will noticed my recently post mostly was random post which talk crap things. I just want to express my thoughts and feelings because during that time I was very emotional :(

Why I want to say this because I realized that I have been really really long time didn't blog a good post. Since I seldom to blog and I being emotion that time. I realized my follower numbers were stop at there but some visible and invisible followers still visit and read my blog post. I'm very appreciate and thank you so much. I will try my best to blog often. =P

Besides, thank you nuffnang still got advertisement appear on my blog. I can make some pocket money without do anything by just blogging! :)
Should rajin to blog cuz I need money!!! XD